"BOAT UNION OF UKRAINE" - tse association of scientific and industrial enterprises, institutions, military specialists, wineries and retailers of airborne, transport and special personnel, boats, underwater vehicles, piloting and remote piloting noses different types of rescue, marine drones, transport platforms and evacuation floating facilities, retailers that variety of tools for remote handling, combat remote handling modules, different types of weapons, deployed drones for victoria on sea carriers of long-range landing.
"BOAT UNION OF UKRAINE" united and continued to get to its own joint the surplus of the hard scientific and industrial potential of Ukraine in the field of shipbuilding. For an hour of warfare with Russian zagarbniks, we have proved their worth in these important minds of developing and viroblyating unique chimes and floating stocks, vicorist and their scientific potential, new light technologies and materials.
Meta "BOAT UNION OF UKRAINE" - support of shipbuilding activities in Ukraine and її activities aimed at the creation, conservation, development and effective development of high scientific and technical, production and export potential of shipbuilding galleys as a priority ї warehousing high-tech sector for securing the national interests of the defense of the state.
"BOAT UNION OF UKRAINE" – tse association of scientists, retailers, winemakers and winemakers in Ukraine, as a way to complement one another and represent a rich profile complex of businesses and organizations, as a result of changing the stages and stages of development and development courts of viysk recognition, zokrema:
design and engineering activities;
life of ships and other floating facilities;
virbility of ship mechanisms;
variety of ship fittings;
repair and modernization of ships, ship machinery and accessories;
science and illumination activity, training of qualified personnel.
Purpose and objectives of BOAT UNION OF UKRAINE:
Provision of BUU with the necessary floating strings, drones and other means necessary for the speedy approach of our victory over the Russians;
saving and further development of scientific and technical, technological and shipbuilding potential as one of the factors of national security of Ukraine;
improving the export potential of shipbuilding in the defense sector and the competitiveness of the development of defense ships;
search for financing and obtaining investments (including foreign ones) in the development of shipbuilding in Ukraine;
construction of fundamental and applied scientific achievements, development of science and development in the field of shipbuilding;
compatibility between legal and physical practices, employed in the fields of fundamental and applied science, and other sectors of the economy, with shipbuilding participants;
transition to the model of innovative development of shipbuilding in Ukraine by way of reviving the scientific and technical potential and long-term production;
Ensuring an efficient management process, training highly qualified fahivtsіv, building brilliance, fostering their productive work, professional mobility and competitiveness, training to the recruitment of professional staff, yakі mayut great dosvіd work at the shipbuilding;
activation of international trade and promotion of the image of Ukraine on the international market as a country, which can increase the competitiveness of shipbuilding and a friendly investment environment;
training of qualified workers, technicians and engineers;
zdіysnennya suzhnobudіvnoї dіyalnostі on the minds of equality with other powers for the protection of their national interests.
На території України близько 62 тисяч річок із загальною довжиною близько 206 тис. км, у тому числі близько 3 тис. завдовжки понад 10 км, 115 — понад 100 км.
Чорноморська берегова лінія в межах України складає 1540 км, а берегова лінія Азовського моря становить понад 400 км.